The Royal National Institute for the Deaf Workshop

The Royal National Institute for the Deaf Workshop in Wells Way Bath has had a close association with the boys’ home in Tirunelveli, Southern India for a number of years.

Before Kathy Miller set up The Neem Tree Trust charity she helped as a volunteer at the workshop in Bath, and whilst she was there the story of the boys’ home in Tirunelveli caught the imagination of Jill Forsey, the RNID Workshop Manager. With Jill’s assistance Kathy learnt new skills which helped her when she was planning craft projects with the boys in India.

Kathy has taken out gifts for the boys which residents at the RNID have helped to make. The first of these was a beautiful batik wall hanging which now has pride of place in the boys’ home and is put on show whenever the boys celebrate their birthdays.

The following year residents at the RNID workshop made a number of colourful garlands which the boys use for their dance and drama productions, and on her most recent visit Kathy presented the boys with a giant set of wooden dominoes specially made by the woodworkers at RNID workshop.

This association is something both the RNID and The Neem Tree Trust are keen to nurture and Jill and Kathy are looking forward to working together this year on projects which will involve and benefit both the boys in India and the RNID residents.